Aim of this site is to provide you with various book reviews, ebooks & articles for Astrology, palmistry and numerology, etc. All materials and ebooks are related to vedic astrology, western astrology, Chinese astrology, palmistry, numerology, sun sign predictions, astrology horoscope, astrology compatibility, astrology charts, astrology matches, astrology tarot, love astrology, astrology software, Indian astrology and astrology predictions etc.

Simplified scientific astrology

Simplified scientific astrology : a complete textbook on the art of erecting a horoscope, with philosophic encyclopedia and tables of planetary hours (1919) is written by Max Heindel and published by Standard Publications, Inc. In this astrology book, it explains simple and practical methods of casting horoscopes that brings the art and craft within the realm of anyone who can do basic math.
You will learn how to
  • Interpret the houses of the zodiac
  • deal with time zones
  • understand rising signs
  • calculate the positions of the planets
You will aslo find here a "Philosophic Encyclopedia of Astrology", with definitions of all the terms you will encounter when casting a horoscope.
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Simplified Scientific Astrology
You can download or read this astrology book from the following link.
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Related Astrology and Palmistry Ebooks
  1. Astrology and Judaism in Late Antiquity
  2. Alberuni's India -Vol 1 & Vol 2
  3. An Introduction to Astrology