Aim of this site is to provide you with various book reviews, ebooks & articles for Astrology, palmistry and numerology, etc. All materials and ebooks are related to vedic astrology, western astrology, Chinese astrology, palmistry, numerology, sun sign predictions, astrology horoscope, astrology compatibility, astrology charts, astrology matches, astrology tarot, love astrology, astrology software, Indian astrology and astrology predictions etc.

Simplified scientific astrology

Simplified scientific astrology : a complete textbook on the art of erecting a horoscope, with philosophic encyclopedia and tables of planetary hours (1919) is written by Max Heindel and published by Standard Publications, Inc. In this astrology book, it explains simple and practical methods of casting horoscopes that brings the art and craft within the realm of anyone who can do basic math.
You will learn how to
  • Interpret the houses of the zodiac
  • deal with time zones
  • understand rising signs
  • calculate the positions of the planets
You will aslo find here a "Philosophic Encyclopedia of Astrology", with definitions of all the terms you will encounter when casting a horoscope.
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Simplified Scientific Astrology
You can download or read this astrology book from the following link.
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Related Astrology and Palmistry Ebooks
  1. Astrology and Judaism in Late Antiquity
  2. Alberuni's India -Vol 1 & Vol 2
  3. An Introduction to Astrology

An Introduction to Astrology

An Introduction to Astrology is written by William Lilly. This astrology book is one of the best known post-classical works on Astrology. The subject of this book, Horary Astrology interprets planetary positions to answer a wide range of questions. This book discusses the use of horoscopes in diagnosing diseases, determining whether a patient will die or get better, and so on.
This astrological book helps you to learn following astrological prediction topics.
  • The Aspects
  • The Twelve Houses, Their Nature and Signification
  • Saturn, and his Signification
  • The Planet Jupiter, and his Signification
  • The Planet Mars, and his Several Significations
  • The Sun, His General and Particular Significations
  • The Planet Venus, and her Several Signification and Nature
  • Mercury, and his Signification, Nature, and Property
  • The Moon, her Properties and Significations
  • Another Brief Description of the Shapes and Forms of the Planets
  • The Colours of the Planets and Signs
  • The Nature, Place, Countries, General Description, and Diseases Signified by the Twelve Signs
  • Teaching What Use May Be Made of the Former Discourse of the Twelve Signs
  • The Essential Dignities of the Planets
  • Table of the Essential Dignities of the Planets
  • Considerations Before Judgment
  • What Significator, Querent, and Quesited, are; and an Introduction to the Judgment of a Question.
  • To Know Whether a Thing Demanded will be Brought to Perfection, Yea or Nay
  • Questions Concerning the First House. If the Querent be Likely to Live Long--Yea or Not?
  • If One Shall Find the Party at Home he Would Speak with?
  • Ship, and her Safety or Destruction
  • Judgments Concerning the Second House
  • The Third House, viz. of Brethren, Sisters, Kindred, News, Short Journeys, etc.
  • The Fourth House, and Judgments Depending Thereon
  • The Fifth House and its Questions
  • The Sixth House
  • The Seventh House, and its Questions
  • The Eighth House, and its Questions: These are Death, Dowry, the Wife's Substance, &c.
  • The Ninth House and its Questions. Long Journeys, Voyages, Arts, Science, Church Preferment, Law, &c.
  • The Tenth House and its Questions.--viz. Office, Dignity, Preferment, Government, Trade, or Profession, &c.
  • The Eleventh House, and its Questions, viz. of Friends, Hopes, Property of the King, &c.
  • The Twelfth House, and its Questions, viz. of Imprisonment, Great Cattle, Private Enemies, Banished Men, &c Aphorisms, by Zadkiel
You can download or read this astrology ebook from the following link.
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Related Astrology and Palmistry Ebooks
  1. The Astrology of America's Destiny
  2. Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans
  3. Astrology and Judaism in Late Antiquity
  4. Alberuni's India -Vol 1 & Vol 2

The Astrology of America's Destiny

The Astrology of America's Destiny is written by Dane Rudhyar. This astrology book explaining America's birth chart, America's growth prediction and beginning of federal government, etc.
Editor's Note:
The frontispiece appearing in the original edition of The Astrology of America's Destiny (New York: Random House, 1974) is an illustration from the noted 18th century English astrologer, Dr. Sibley. The horoscope being presented to Washington shows an old-fashioned square chart graphic. It is cast for 4 July 1776, 10:10 PM, London Time. It shows a local Ascendant for Philadephia of 13°12' Sagittarius.
Over the years astrologers have come up with, and continue to come up with, various times for the birth of the American nation. In The Astrology of America's Destiny, Rudhyar provides ample evidence from the historical record, including accounts by signers of the Declaration of Independence, that the correct birth time of the United States is the signing of the Declaration of Independence, shortly after 5:00 PM, 4 July 1776, in Philadelphia. Rudhyar rectifies the time of the signing to 5:13:55 PM, providing an Ascendant of 13°10' Sagittarius..
You can read or download this astrology book from the following link
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Related Astrology and Palmistry books
  1. Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans
  2. Astrology and Judaism in Late Antiquity
  3. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra : Guide to Hindu Astrology

Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans

Astrology and Religion Among the Greeks and Romans is written by Franz Cumont. In this astrology book, Cumont shows prediction of phenomena such as the location of the planets, the phases of the moon, and eclipses. This astrology book is one of the best work of star-worship in Greece and Rome. Cumont collected all available astrological and astronomical texts from antiquity. This book summarizes his knowledge and theories on this subject.
Following are the few astrological concepts and prediction techniques of Greek and Roman astrology explained in this book.
  • The Chaldeans
  • Babylon and Greece
  • The Dissemination in the West
  • Theology
  • Astral Mysticism--Ethics and Cult
  • Eschatology
This is one of the best book for astrological researchers and you can read or download this work from the following link.
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Related Astrology and Palmistry EBooks
  1. Astrology and Judaism in Late Antiquity
  2. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra : Guide to Hindu Astrology
  3. Complete Course in Astrology: Erection and Interpretation of Horoscopes, for Natives As Well As for Stocks

Astrology and Judaism in Late Antiquity

Astrology and Judaism in Late Antiquity is the doctoral dissertation by Lester Ness submitted to Miami University. This astrology article explains Jewish astrology, various zodiac mosaics, horoscopes and other astrological magics.
Abstract (By Author)
The goal of this dissertation will be to explain how it was that the Jews of the Hellenized world adopted and adapted astrology. There will be a focus on the zodiac mosaics found in the synagogues of Byzantine period Israel. The dissertation will begin with a chapter on the origins of astrology in Mesopotamia. There we will see how astrology grew from the beliefs that the planets manifested the gods, and that one could predict the gods' wills by predicting, mathematically, the planets' motions. The result was the first horoscopes.
The second chapter will tell how the Hellenistic world adopted the Mesopotamian practice and blended it with Greek science to produce the mathematical "scientific" astrology familiar to most twentieth century readers. The following third chapter will show how astrology's religious side fared in the Hellenized Near East. The planets were important gods, astrological art was used to praise the gods, and to portray their power and ability to care for the world and their worshippers. Horoscopes and astrological magic allowed one to communicate with the gods and persuade them to help one through life.
Chapter four will deal with Jewish astrology, both "scientific" and "religious." We will examine a variety of Jewish writings from the Hellenized Near East to demonstrate that Jews did indeed practice astrology. We will conclude that Jews adapted the polytheistic assumptions of astrology to their own monotheistic world-view by interpreting the planet gods as planet angels, beings superior to humans, but subordinate to the one genuine god, YHWH.
The fifth and final chapter will discuss the various zodiac mosaics, both as archaeological sites and as works of art, and the various theories which try to explain what they meant. Finally, we will conclude that, since the planets are the subordinates of YHWH, administering His will in the world as part of His creation, the zodiac mosaics are best explained as indirect portrayals of God. The sun and the zodiac signs were His creatures. They carried out His commands. They were the satraps of His cosmos. Thus, they were appropriate visual substitutes for the God whom even Moses might not see.
Following are the topics covered in this astrology article.
  • Astrology in Mesopetamia
  • Hellenistic Scientific Astrology
  • Astral Religion
  • Jewish Astrology
  • Astrology in Synagogue Art
You can read/download this free astrological article from the following link.
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Related Astrology and Palmistry Books
  1. Alberuni's India -Vol 1 & Vol 2
  2. Palmistry (Predictions Library)
  3. Astrology: A Cosmic Science

Alberuni's India -Vol 1 & Vol 2

Alberuni's India -Vol 1 & Vol 2 An Account of the Religion, Philosophy, Literature, Geography, Chronology, Astronomy, Customs, Laws and Astrology of India About AD 1030 is written by Edward C. Sachau and published by Atlantic Publishers and Distributors. This book covers Hindu religious concepts in a broad sense. An astrologer can learn basic astrological concepts along with Hindu philosophies by referring this book. You can learn various astrological prediction techniques, astrological interpretations and astrological remedies, etc.
Following are the few astrological and religious topics covered in this book.
  • On the Hindus in general
  • On the belief of the Hindus in god
  • On the Hindu belief as to created things, both "intelligibilia" and "sensibilia"
  • From what cause action originates, and how the soul is connected with matter.
  • On the state of the souls and their migrations through the world in the metempsychosis
  • On the different worlds, and on the places of retribution in paradise and hell
  • On the nature of liberation from the world, and on the path leading thereto
  • On the different classes of created beings, and on their names
  • On the castes, called "colours" (varna), and on the classes below them
  • On the source of their religious and civil law, on prophets, and on the question whether single laws can be abrogated or not.
  • About the beginning of idol-worship, and a description of the individual idols
  • On the veda, the puranas, and other kinds of their national literature
  • Their grammatical and metrical literature
  • Hindu literature in the other sciences — astronomy, astrology, etc
  • Notes on Hindu metrology, intended to facilitate the understanding of all kinds of measurements which occur in this book.
  • Notes on the writing of the Hindus, on their arithmetic and related subjects, and on certain strange manners and customs of theirs.
You can download this Hindu astrological and religious book from the following link.
Buy this Astrology and religious book
Alberuni's India - 2 Vols. in 1 ; An Account of the Religion, Philosophy, Literature, Geography, Chronology, Astronomy, Customs, Laws and Astrology of India About AD 1030
Related Astrology, Palmistry and Religious Book
  1. Complete Course in Astrology: Erection and Interpretation of Horoscopes, for Natives As Well As for Stocks
  2. Palmistry (Predictions Library)
  3. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra : Guide to Hindu Astrology

Palmistry (Predictions Library) Review

Palmistry (Predictions Library) is written by David Barrett and published by DK ADULT. This palmistry book is a must book for learning palmistry from the scratch. It is a step by step reference for learning palmistry such as different palm lines, prediction of different lines, different symbols in hand reading and its prediction, Hand reading techniques, and career success prediction etc.
Following are the few palmistry prediction topics covered in this book.
  1. History of Palmistry
  2. Right and Left hands
  3. Position and Color
  4. Traditional Hand shapes
  5. Elemental Hand shapes
  6. The nails
  7. The fingers and thumb
  8. The mounts
  9. The areas of the palm
  10. The life line
  11. The heart line
  12. The head line
  13. Simian line
  14. The fate line
  15. Other lines
  16. Other marking on the palm
  17. Relationships
  18. Career Success
  19. health
  20. Reading the palms
  21. Palm reading
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Palmistry (Predictions Library) Buy this Book
Related Astrology & Palmistry Books
  1. Complete Course in Astrology: Erection and Interpretation of Horoscopes, for Natives As Well As for Stocks
  2. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra : Guide to Hindu Astrology

Complete Course in Astrology: Erection and Interpretation of Horoscopes, for Natives As Well As for Stocks (Review Only)

Complete Course in Astrology: Erection and Interpretation of Horoscopes, for Natives As Well As for Stocks is written by George Bayer and published by Lambert Gann Pub. This astrology book helps students learning astrology to find more precise astrological calculations, erection and calculations of astrological charts such as radix mirror charts, mundane charts, progressed charts, etc and interpretation of horoscope, etc.
Following are the few astrological topics covered in this astrology book.
  1. The erection of chart (horoscope)
  2. The calculation of the mundane chart
  3. The radix mirrored chart
  4. The mundane mirrored chart
  5. The progressed chart
  6. The interpretation of the five-fold horoscope
  7. Practical application of the five-fold horoscope
Buy this Astrology book
Complete Course in Astrology: Erection and Interpretation of Horoscopes, for Natives As Well As for Stocks Buy this Book
Related Astrology Books
  1. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra : Guide to Hindu Astrology
  2. Astrology: A Cosmic Science

Astrology: A Cosmic Science (Review Only)

Astrology: A Cosmic Science is written by Isabel M. Hickey and published by CRCS Publications. This in one of the classic book in spiritual astrology. This book helps you to know astrology, karma, and reincarnation in metaphysical aspects. This astrology book is best for both beginers and experienced astrologers. In this book, the author explains astrology in a spiritual way which is better for fulfilling life more meaningfully.
Following are the few astrological topics covered in this spiritual astrology book.
  1. Signs and symbols
  2. The twelve signs of the zodiac
  3. The planets and their meanings
  4. Keywords of the planets
  5. Table of Planetary powers
  6. Quadruplicates and triplicates
  7. Houses of birth chart
  8. The meaning of aspects
  9. Ascendants and decanates
  10. The signs on the house cusps
  11. The sun in the houses
  12. The moon in the signs and houses
  13. Mercury in the signs and houses
  14. Venus in the signs and houses
  15. Mars in the signs and houses
  16. Jupiter in the signs and houses
  17. Saturn in the signs and houses
  18. Uranus in the signs and houses
  19. Neptune in the signs and houses
  20. The Moon's Nodes
  21. Aspects to the Sun
  22. Aspects to the moon and to mercury
  23. Aspects to Venus and mars
  24. Aspects to Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune
  25. Birth chart calculation
  26. Some information about transits
  27. progressions
  28. Medical Astrology
  29. The art of interpretation
  30. An allegory
  31. Pluto discovered
  32. Pluto's Meaning
  33. Pluto in the signs
  34. Pluto & Minerva through the houses
  35. Natal aspects of Pluto
  36. Transits of Pluto
  37. The perversions of plutonian power
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Astrology: A Cosmic Science Buy this book
Related Astrology Books
  1. Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra : Guide to Hindu Astrology

Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra : Guide to Hindu Astrology

Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra : Guide to Hindu Astrology is written by by Maharishi Parasara. This Hindu Vedic Astrology book published by South Asia Books. This books explains hindu astrology topics such as different bhavas, types of yogas, astrology bhava interpretations, affects of different astrological dashas, logevity interpretations, zodical rasis, lost horoscopy and remedies for different births.
More precisely this astrology book covers following topics in detail.
  1. The Creation
  2. Great Incarnations
  3. Grah Characters and Description
  4. Zodiacal Rāśis Described
  5. Special Lagnas
  6. The Sixteen Divisions of a Rāśi
  7. Divisional Considerations
  8. Drishtis of the Rāśis
  9. Evils at Birth
  10. Antidotes for Evils
  11. Judgement of Bhavas
  12. Effects of Tanu Bhava
  13. Effects of Dhan Bhava
  14. Effects of Sahaj Bhava
  15. Effects of Bandhu Bhava
  16. Effects of Putr Bhava
  17. Effects of Ari Bhava
  18. Effects of Yuvati Bhava
  19. Effects of Randhr Bhava
  20. Effects of Dharm Bhava
  21. Effects of Karm Bhava
  22. Effects of Labh Bhava
  23. Effects of Vyaya Bhava
  24. Effects of the Bhava Lords
  25. Effects of Non-Luminous Grahas
  26. Evaluation of Drishtis of Grahas
  27. Evaluation Of Strengths
  28. Isht and Kasht Balas
  29. Bhava Padas
  30. Upa Pad
  31. Argala, or Intervention from Grahas
  32. Karakatwas of the Grahas
  33. Effects of Karakāńś
  34. Yoga Karakas
  35. Nabhash Yogas
  36. Many Other Yogas
  37. Candr's Yogas
  38. Sūrya's Yogas
  39. Raj Yog
  40. Yogas For Royal Association
  41. Combinations for Wealth
  42. Combinations for Penury
  43. Longevity
  44. Marak Grahas
  45. Avasthas of Grahas
  46. Dashas of Grahas
  47. Effects of Dashas
  48. Distinctive Effects of the Nakshatr Dasha, or of the Dashas of the Lords (Vimshottari) of various Bhavas
  49. Effects of the Kaal Chakr
  50. Effects of the Char etc. Dashas
  51. Working out of Antar Dashas of Grahas and Rāśis in Vimshottari etc. Dasha systems
  52. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Sūrya (Vimshottari)
  53. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Candr
  54. Effects of Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Mangal
  55. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Rahu
  56. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Guru
  57. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Śani
  58. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Budh
  59. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Ketu
  60. Effects of the Antar Dashas in the Dasha of Śukr
  61. Effects of Pratyantar Dashas in Antar Dashas
  62. Effects of Sukshmantar Dashas in Pratyantar Dashas
  63. Effects of Prana Dashas in Sukshma Dashas
  64. Effects of Antar Dashas in the Kala Chakr
  65. Effects of Dashas of Rāśis in the Ańśas of the Various Rāśis
  66. AshtakaVarg
  67. Trikon Shodhana in the AshtakaVarg
  68. Ekadhipatya Shodhana in the AshtakaVarg
  69. Pinda Sadhana in the AshtakaVarg
  70. Effects of the AshtakaVarg
  71. Determination of Longevity through the AshtakaVarg
  72. Aggregational AshtakaVargas
  73. Effects of the Rays of the Grahas
  74. Effects of the Sudarshana Chakr
  75. Characteristic Features of Panchmahapurushas
  76. Effects of the Elements
  77. Effects of the Gunas
  78. Lost Horoscopy
  79. Ascetism Yogas
  80. Female Horoscopy
  81. Effects of Characteristic Features of Parts of Woman's body.
  82. Effects of Moles, Marks, Signs etc. for Men and Women
  83. Effects of Curses in the Previous Birth
  84. Remedial Measures from the Malevolence of Grahas
  85. Inauspicious Births
  86. Remedies for Amavasya Birth
  87. Remedies from Birth on Krishna Chaturdashi
  88. Remedies from Birth in Bhadra and Inauspicious Yogas
  89. Remedies from Nakshatr Birth
  90. Remedies from Sankranti Birth
  91. Remedies for Birth in Eclipses
  92. Remedies from Gandanta Birth
  93. Remedies for Abhukta Mula Birth
  94. Remedies from Jyeshtha Gandanta Birth
  95. Remedies from Birth of a Daughter after Three Sons
  96. Remedies from Unusual Delivery
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Brihat Parasara Hora Sastra : Guide to Hindu Astrology (2 Volume Set) Buy this book
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Related Astrology Books
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